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Archive 4

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2016 - Part 1

2016 - Part 2

ARCHIVES: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6

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Birgitte on the double with a ling & a pollack

Johann & Case & the megrim

Birgitte on the double with a ling & a pollack

Lovely whiting for Wim

Birgitte on the double with a ling & a pollack

Lasse and his squid

Birgitte on the double with a ling & a pollack

Lasse & blue shark

Birgitte on the double with a ling & a pollack

More cod for the boys

Birgitte on the double with a ling & a pollack

Sjef with a fine double

Birgitte on the double with a ling & a pollack

Piet with a great cod

Birgitte on the double with a ling & a pollack

Peter & his pouting

Birgitte on the double with a ling & a pollack


Cork Harbour Boats

Steve and Eoin with a red cod.

Cork Harbour Boats

Evening Echo lads with their cod.
Cork Harbour Boats

More for the Evening Echo lads!
Cork Harbour Boats

Steve Dinan and the Evening Echo lads and lass.
Cork Harbour Boats

Echo Echo!
Cork Harbour Boats

Nick with another nice cod.
Cork Harbour Boats

Skipper Eoin.

Cork Harbour Boats

Trainee skipper Dylan.

Cork Harbour Boats

Eoin, Nick and guest.

next >>


Cork Harbour Boats Ltd., Glenbrook, Passage West, Co. Cork, Ireland.
00 353 21 4841348 or 00 353 21 4841633 Mobile: 087 2363566
corkharbourboats @ yahoo.com