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Archive 2

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2016 - Part 1

2016 - Part 2

ARCHIVES: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6

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Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Henrik and thornback.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Birgitte and garfish.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Birgitte with her pouting.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter


Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Ono with a conger.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter


Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Steve with a nice cod.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Dylan and his cod.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Rob, Eric, Piet and Gerret.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Herman and his linn.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Dylan and Hans.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Theo with a nice brace.

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

John with a specimen bass and Roches Point in the background.

A fine cod for Ivan

A fine cod for Ivan

Berry & 2 lovely cod

Berry & 2 lovely cod

Henrik & a bull huss

Henrik & a bull huss

Dylan, Piet & Wim

Dylan, Piet & Wim

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Birgitte (conger lady) & Peter

Henrik with a red gurnard

Henrik with a red gurnard

Kees & Geritt & a nice cod

Kees & Geritt & a nice cod

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Cork Harbour Boats Ltd., Glenbrook, Passage West, Co. Cork, Ireland.
00 353 21 4841348 or 00 353 21 4841633 Mobile: 087 2363566
corkharbourboats @ yahoo.com